PE Playworks Kindergarten
PE/Playworks Brain Booster Lesson5: K
Intro to PE and Recess
Games and Activities
Hungry Fox and Watch Your Back Tag
I can… K: Move in my space, an open space and change my speed.
Materials/ Space Needed
Home Base (Baseline, Sideline or Circle with paint or cones to mark boundary) Large rectangle shape (Basketball court)
Vocabulary Space: An area or place. My personal space is the area close to my body.
Speed: The rate of motion. I changed my speed in the tag game when I skipped and then ran.
Begin class with a warm up procedure: ● Prepare students with daily expectations before entering the gym OR on Home Base. ● Warm up procedure may include several laps around the gym, stretching routine, or another quick, movement based activity. ● Back at Home Base, review rules/expectations of the school and
PE/Playworks with explicit examples when appropriate. ● Review any other specifc reminders needed for the day.
Before releasing students for the frst game, use a Sequence Touch to get them to the location you need them to be for the frst activity.
Hungry Fox
Show How How to Play:
● Similar to “Red, Light, Green Light”, students will line up on the opposite endline as you. ● In this game, you will be “Hungry Fox”and your students will be bunnies. ● Each round will begin with the students calling out “What time is it, Hungry Fox?” You respond with a time of day. ● Whatever time you say, the bunnies will hop forward (two feet together) the number you called out and freeze. They will ask again “What time is
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