MS Theater Instructional Guide
The following rubric illustrates how artistic processes can tie to standards and class work. The process components provide a starting point to thinking about key understandings and questions to consider when approaching arts content. This rubric is based on a model cornerstone assessment published by the NCAS (National Core Arts Standards).
Artistic Process Unpacked
Enduring Understanding
Essential Question Anchor Standard Performance Standard Key Trait
7-8.T.CR.5 Createand sustain a believable character throughout a scripted or improvised scene.
Theatre artists rely on intuition, curiosity, and critical inquiry.
What happens when theatre artists use their imaginations and/or learned theatre skills while engaging in creative explorations and inquiry?
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Create a character based on objectives and motivations.
Envision Conceptualize
7-8.T.CR.3 Use form and structure to create a scene or play with a beginning, middle, and end that includes full character development, believable dialogue, and logical plot outcomes.
Theatre artists work to discover different ways of communicating meaning.
How, when, and why do theatre artists’ choices change?
Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Collaborate to plan a scene with exposition, conflict, rising action, climax and resolution.
7-8:T.CR.7 Recognize that participating in the rehearsal process is necessary to refine and revise.
Theatre artists refine their work and practice their craft through rehearsal.
How do theatre artists transform and edit their initial ideas.
Refine and complete artistic work.
Develop the movement, voice, objectives and motivations of characters through rehearsal and exploration.
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