Kindergarten Instructional Guide

Social Studies Core

K.1.4-History: Explain how families provide physical, social, and emotional support and how each family has its own unique history.

Kindergarten Oral Language Block: Content Integration Suggested Unit 3:

Suggested Oral Language Block: Intentional Integration of Materials


Unit 3: Going Places

Scaffolding child/child interactions

Wonders Big Idea

Sentence Frame(s): When we go to____I can learn about_____.

House Area Materials: Tools to use to help cook, tools that are helpful in the kitchen, (e.g, recipe cards, cookbooks, mixing bowls, mixing utensils.) Book Area Materials: Books about exploration, books about tools used to help, books with maps. Art Area Materials: Markers, pens, pencils, crayons and the idea to draw the rules that they follow in school or home.

Block Area Materials: Magnifying glasses, objects to explore with magnifying glasses, tools to help build things, telescopes, microscopes. Math Area Materials: Five-frames, unifix cubes, counting bears, beans, cereal for counting and classifying objects Writing Area Materials: Play keyboards, paper, pens, pencils for the idea to write the rules that they follow in school or home.

What can you learn by going to different places?

EnVision 2020

Topic5: Classify and count

Sentence Frame(s): I can sort_____by_____.

Science Core Social Studies Core


K.3.1 Civics: Describe some of the rules students or family members follow and why they are important as a member of a family, class, and school.

Canyons School District Elementary Content Integration maps are created by the Instructional Supports Department

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