Kindergarten Instructional Guide

Kindergarten Oral Language Block: Content Integration Suggested Unit 1:

Suggested Oral Language Block: Intentional Integration of Materials

Wonders Unit 1: Take a New Step

Scaffolding child/child interactions

Wonders Big Idea

Sentence Frame(s): I can ______when I try ________.

House Area Materials: Pots, pans, phones, play food, towels, babies, blankets, bottles, chairs, tables, etc. Book Area Materials: Wonders big books, books about friends, friendships, baby animals, 5 senses Art Area Materials: Play dough, paper, markers, crayons, glue, tape, stamps, ink pads, pencils, glitter, string, egg cartons, pipe cleaner, scissors, etc.

Block Area Materials: Blocks, cars, legos, unifix cubes, Lincoln logs.

What can we learn when we try new things?

EnVision 2020

Topic1: Numbers 0 to 5 Topic2: Compare numbers 0 to 5

Sentence Frame(s): I can make ______ dots on my paper. I can write numbers _____ on my paper.

Math Area Materials: Five-frames, unifix cubes, counting bears, beans, cereal, all for counting 0 to 5. Writing Area Materials: Paper, pencils, pens, golf pencils, name cards, pictures of classmates, stamps, envelopes, anchor charts for letters.

Science Core

K.2.1 Living Things and Their Surroundings Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to describe patterns of what living things (plants and animals, including humans) need to survive. Emphasize the similarities and differences between the survival needs of all living things. Examples could include that plants depend on air, water, minerals, and light to survive, or animals depend on plants or other animals to survive. K.1.3 Weather Patterns Carry out an investigation using the five senses, to determine the effect of sunlight on different surfaces and materials. Examples could include measuring temperature, through touch or other methods, on natural and man-made materials in

Canyons School District Elementary Content Integration maps are created by the Instructional Supports Department

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