Instructional Playbook

Systematic Vocabulary Instruction Routine

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Vocabulary Routine Protocol

Explicit Instruction Components


Sample Script

Teacher Says (TS): “The word is Predict.” TS: “What is the word everyone?” Learners Say (SS): “Predict.”

1. Introduce the word

TS: “How many syllables are in the word Predict?” TS: Count out and say the syllables for Predict TS + SS: “Pre - dict.” TS: “How many syllables are in the word Predict everyone?” SS: “2." TS: “You are correct, there are 2 syllables in the word Predict.” TS: “Predict means using information to guess what comes next.” SS: “Predict means using information to guess what comes next.” Learner writes the word and definition. TS: “Pre is a latin prefix meaning before, and dict means to say.” TS: “An example of predict is: My mother bought cookies. I predict that I will have cookies in my lunch today.” Learners work with a partner to complete sentences using stems with key words left out. TS: “If it’s cold outside, I would __ (SS: “predict”) that I would need to wear __ “ (SS: take turns with partner completing the sentence). Learners write their own sentence.

2. Count the syllables or word parts


3. Provide learner-friendly definition 4. Identify word parts, families, and origin 5. Provide explicit examples, including visuals 6. Check learner understanding using sentence frames 7. Deepen learners’ understanding of term



Use, review, re-check learner understanding over the course of the unit/lesson.

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