High School Science


Earth Science

Quarter 3

McGraw Hill Module 7

Surface water movement check your progress. Evaluate 6 question multiple choice lesson check “quiz”

● Lesson check surface water movement.



Phenomena Check In



Have students revisit their CER worksheet and add new info. (Optional: Can tell them they can use CER on the test so to be thorough.)

● Launch the Lesson: Streams, Lakes, and wetlands


Lesson 2:


Streams, Lakes and Wetlands

Launch the lesson by having students think about lake bottoms and making a KWL on their own piece of paper thinking about:

Focus Question: How does surface water interact with the land?

● Science

Explore & Expand

173-1 74 SN 101-1 03


Notebook: 101-102

(Students should be flling out vocab on Science Notebook pg 101 as they go along.) -Explore and explain: Stream formation -Explore and explain: Formation of stream valleys -Fill out Science Notebook page 102 -Mapping Lab: Interpreting a River’s Habits (Have students color, highland, lowland, natural levees, and rivers on their map, and explain the topographic map. If possible model with a document camera.) -Read Deposition of Sediment and Origins of Lakes in the book (pg 173-174) while flling out the Science Notebook page103 -Explore and explain: Lakes undergo change.

● Book pg 173-174 ● Explore and explain interactive: Stream formation, Formation of stream valleys, and Lakes unde;;;//;/;/rg o change ● Mapping lab:

Interpreting a River’s Habits

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