High School Science


Earth Science

Quarter 3

McGraw Hill Module 7



● Module Launch: 45 min ● Lesson 1: 90 min ● Lesson 2: 180 min ● Lesson 3: 180 min ● Lesson 4: 45 min ● Module Wrap-Up: 45 min

Module 7: Water ● Phenomena: How does rain water get into this underground cave?

● Lesson 1: Surface Water Movement ● Lesson 2: Streams, Lakes & Wetlands ● Lesson 3: Ground Water ● Lesson 4: Groundwater Weathering and Deposition



● I am learning about how water affects earth’s surface processes ● How water affects earth’s materials ● How to plan and conduct an investigation about water’s effects on the surface of the earth

ESS 3.1 Plan and carry out an investigation of the properties of water and its effects on Earth materials and surface processes. Examples of properties could include water’s capacity to expand upon freezing, dissolve and transport material, or absorb, store, and release energy. (ESS2.C)


SKILLS (Verbs)

● Water’s effects on earth materials - transport of sediment and minerals ● Water’s effects on surface processes - shaping the land

● Plan and carry out an investigation


● Runoff ● Watershed ● Divide ● Suspension ● Bed Load ● Discharge

● Flood Plain ● Stream Channel ● Stream Bank ● Base Level ● Meander ● Delta ● Rejuvenation ● Lake ● Eutrophication ● Artesian Well ● Recharge

● Well ● Water Table

● Zone of Saturation ● Zone of Aeration ● Aquiclude ● Spring ● Hot Spring ● Geyser ● Infltration ● Permeability ● Aquifer ● Drawdown

● Flood ● Cave ● Sinkhole ● Karst Topography ● Stalactite ● Stalagmite

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