Social Studies HS Guide

○ Business failures ○ Reduced consumer spending ○ Decline in industrial production ● Identify and explain environmental conditions during the Great Depression. Examples may include: ○ Dust Bowl ○ Other natural disasters ● Identify and explain how economic and environmental conditions affected daily life during the Great Depression: ○ Housing and homelessness ○ Food insecurity ○ Health and well-being ● Identify and explain how economic and environmental conditions affected demographic trends during the Great Depression: ○ Migration patterns ○ Changes in family dynamics ○ Changes in labor force participation - hobos


● Economic conditions ● Environmental conditions ● Dust Bowl ● Daily life ● Demographic trends ● Great Depression DIFFERENTIATION IN ACTION

● Inquiry

Skill Building

● Themes and Lenses


STRAND5: Economic Boom, Bust, and the Roleof the Government 1920-1940




● See US History II Year

● K-12 Research Frameworks

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