Instructional Playbook

Rigor: Generalization Phase

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Generalization Phase Exit Goal: The student uses the skill across settings, situations and does not confuse target skill with similar skills. Teacher Role Student Role Structures academic tasks that require use of the target skill regularly Uncovers and selects relevant and credible supporting evidence for analysis, critiques,

debates, claims and judgements Initiates questions, argues, tests ideas/solutions Sustains inquiry into topics or deeper problems Applies skill to the real world

Provides encouragement/praise/ reinforcement for using skill in new settings/situations Provides more practice opportunities if target skill is confused with similar skill Provides periodic opportunities to review/practice target skill to ensure maintenance Read/Create complex graph Analyze survey results Multiple paragraph essay or short story Fact-based argument Chart and draw conclusions about data sets Investigate Generalize from a set of evidence or data

Possible Products

Possible Activities

Use a Venn Diagram that shows how two topics are the same/different Design a questionnaire to gather information Survey classmates/industry members to find out what they think about a particular topic Make a flow chart to show critical stages Prepare a report about an area of study Write a letter to the editor after evaluation of product Write an opinion essay Convince others with evidence How can you prove that your solution is reasonable? What evidence can you find to support ___? What ideas justify _____? What conclusion can you draw? What information can you draw on to support your reason for ____? How would you ____ to create a different ____? What is the best answer and why? Can you elaborate on your reason and give examples?

Potential Questions

Justify how ____ is related to ____ What are the possible flaws in _____? What is the theme/lesson learned _____? How would the moral change if ____? What underlying bias is there in _______? What inferences will these facts support______? How does the author create tension/suspense ______? What is the author’s reasoning for _____?

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