Instructional Playbook

Rigor: Fluency Phase

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Fluency Phase Exit Goal: The student has learned skill well enough to retain it, combine it with other skills, and is as fluent as peers. Teacher Role Student Role Structures learning activities to give student opportunity for active responding/engagement Provides frequent opportunities to drill and practice skill Gives feedback on fluency and accuracy of performance Provides praise/encouragement for increased fluency Solves routine problems/tasks involving multiple decisions, points and concepts constructs models to show relationships demonstrates use of conceptual knowledge compiles and organizes illustrates with examples or models

Possible Products

Possible Activities

Timeline Number line Graphic organizer Science logs Concepts maps Storyboards

Write a summary Explain a series of steps used to find a solution Sequence of events using a graphic organizer Explain the meaning of a concept using words, objects and/or visuals Complex calculations involving decision points

Potential Questions

What other way could you solve/find out_____? What is your prediction and why? How would you organizer ___ to show _____?

What facts are relevant to show_____?” How or why would we use _____? What examples of non-examples can we find?

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