Instructional Playbook

Acknowledging Appropriate Behavior

Click here for the Implementation Toolbox

Non Examples




Recognize and acknowledge a specific behavior (expectation/rule) demonstrated by a student or group.

“José, thank you for being kind (expectation) by lining up safely at the door (rule).” “I appreciate you getting started on your starter immediately.” “Before you go, please be responsible and push in your chair.” “As you can see from our agenda today, your chromebook is not one of our needed materials. Please keep them in your backpack.” “Mr. Fox is coming to our classroom. We will be respectful and listen during his presentation and be active learners.”

“Good job, José.”

Behavior Specific Praise

Positively state reminders about what is expected.

“Everyone line up.”


Inform students how to respond in new or challenging situations.

“Mr. Fox is here. Be nice to him.”


Give students at least four positive, supportive statements to every recommended ratio is even higher than 4:1 for vulnerable student populations. one corrective statement. The

(see videos in Implementation Toolbox)

Use sarcasm to disguise corrective feedback Give less than four positive statements following a corrective statement. “Because you were loud, everyone is going to miss ... (recess, free time, fun activity, etc.)”

4:1 Positive/ Negative Corrections

Acknowledge entire group, class, table for appropriate behavior.

See examples in Implementation Toolbox

Group Contingencies

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