Instructional Playbook

Acknowledging Appropriate Behavior

Click here for the Implementation Toolbox

BEHAVIOR SPECIFIC PRAISE Recognize and Critical Actions for Educators

Giving positive feedback is a powerful way to encourage responsible behavior because it confirms for students that they are on the right track and increases the probability that they will demonstrate the same behaviors in the future (Sprick, Sprick, Edwards, & Coughlin, 2021). Acknowledging appropriate behavior involves communicating positive examples, giving specific feedback, and motivating students with pre determined individual and class reinforcement systems. Acknowledging appropriate behavior also: builds students’ self-esteem and a positive sense of self through genuine acknowledgment, supports positive relationships with adults, supports acquisition of new skills in a safe environment, creates a sense of stability and enhances student confidence in their own personal skills, supports expected behaviors and promotes predictable environments, allows opportunities to practice expected behaviors, and helps establish a sense of community and belonging.

acknowledge specific behavior/expectations


Positively state reminders about what is expected


Inform students how to respond to new/ challenging situations

4:1 POSITIVE TO CORRECTIVE STATEMENTS Students are given at least four positive statements for every one corrective (Note: this ratio is higher for vulnerable populations)

GROUP CONTINGENCIES Entire group is acknowledged for appropriate behavior




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