HS Visual Art Instructional Guide

Practice Professionalism and Ethics in Art Making Beginning/Introductory Visual Arts Course VISUAL ARTS 7/8 STANDARDS: ● 7–8.V.CR.5: Demonstrate persistence in developing skills with various materials, methods, and approaches in creating works of art or design. ● 7–8.V.CR.7: Demonstrate awareness of ethical responsibility to oneself and others when posting and sharing images and other materials through the Internet, social media, and other communication formats. ● 7–8.V.CR.8: Demonstrate awareness of practices, issues, and ethics of appropriation, fair use, copyright, open source, and creative commons as they apply to creating works of art and design. VISUAL ARTS 1 STANDARDS: ● L1.V.CR.4: Explain how traditional and nontraditional materials may affect human health and environment, and demonstrate safe handling of materials, tools, and equipment. SKILL EXPECTATIONS: Develop and demonstrate skills with various materials, methods, and approaches of individually and collectively creating works of art. Demonstrate social awareness as well as responsible and ethical practices in creating and sharing works of art. Learning Intention: I am learning to use various materials, methods, and ethical approaches to art making so I can show artistic skill, persistence, problem-solving, and responsibility when making art. Success Criteria: I will know am successful when, ● I can use the different materials available and approaches taught in class to make a piece of art. ● I can follow the guidelines of my class, school and CSD to show social awareness and the social awareness, responsibility, and ethics in art-making. ● I can follow copyright, appropriation, and fair use laws when making and sharing artwork. Learning Intention and Success Criteria Example:

Learning Progression Example

1. Examine how artists display social awareness and ethical responsibility when sharing and posting artwork, images, and other materials through various media and formats. 2. Study and learn practices artists use to comply with the laws and ethics of appropriation, fair use, copyright, open source, and creative commons. 3. Identify and select various supplies and materials available in class that can be used for an identifed art project.

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