HS Spanish Guide
5-6 weeks/unit
Novice Mid
Entreculturas Unit 3 & 4 Realidades 1 Tema 3A/5B/6A
● Who makes up my family? ● What places and activities bring us together as a family? ● How is my family similar to and different from some families in the Spanish - speaking world? ● What are some iconic foods from the Spanish-speaking world? ● How do food products and food practices shape our cultural identity? ● How can exploring new foods lead me to intercultural experiences?
España/Colorado ● Home and the spaces we share with family ● Family life in Spain and the US ● Family ties that cross generational and geographical borders México/Carolina del Norte ● Food traditions and preferences as expressions of cultural identity ● Exploration of foods as a step to experiencing another culture
LEARNING PROGRESSIONS FOR NOVICE MID PROFICIENCY LISTENING SPEAKING When students exhibit Novice Mid listening pro fi ciency in Spanish, they can understand: 1. Simple words and phrases about daily activities 2. Simple questions on familiar topics 3. Multi-step directions or instructions, especially when accompanied by gestures and repetition 4. What people say in a short conversation on familiar topics
When students exhibit Novice Mid speaking ability in Spanish, they can: 1. Greet someone in a culturally appropriate manner 2. Introduce self 3. Ask “how are you?” 4. Respond appropriately to the question “how are you?” 5. Answer simple questions to provide basic information 6. Ask simple, formulaic questions 7. Provide simple information on subject matter content When students exhibit Novice Mid writing ability in Spanish, they can: 1. Write basic personal information (name, address, phone number, birth date) 2. Brie fl y describe people or places mostly in list form 3. Respond to simple questions 4. Write simple information related to subject matter content WRITING
When students exhibit Novice Mid reading ability in Spanish, they can read: 1. Words on a list from very familiar topics 2. Very simple information on familiar topics 3. Short, simple descriptions, especially if there are pictures or other supportive visuals
END OF UNIT COMPETENCY WITH LANGUAGE EXPECTATIONS ● Discuss places and activities associated with family and mealtimes using the language functions and features: ● terms and expressions related to meals, food preferences ● nouns like household items ● adjectives to describe food (estar+rico, delicioso, picante, caliente, frio, etc.) ● adverbs of frequency (a menudo, de vez en cuando, etc.) ● present tense of –er and –ir verbs ● the verbs gustar and encantar (me, te, le - me gusta(n), me encanta(n), etc. ● expressions with tener (sed, hambre, ganas de, etc.) ● Discuss family member and family obligations using the language functions and features: ● possessive adjectives ● expressions for obligations (tener que/deber + in fi nitive; the verb venir, the verbs ser and estar) ● adjectives to describe things ● comparisons and superlatives ● stem(ie)-changing verbs (poder and dormir) ● af fi rmative tú commands
*Updated 6.10.24
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