HS ASL Guide
Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
Best Practices for World Language
Teacher Moves
Student Moves
production. ● Checking for Understanding: - Frequently check for understanding through student opportunities to respond (OTR), choral response, hand signals, tpr. ● Engagement: - Communicate expectations for routines (ie. partner share, SCD, think-pair-share, paraphrase to a partner, choral response) - Implement the 3 modes of communication to engage students. - Provide support & immediate feedback using correct language and concrete examples. ● Language References: - Provide scaffolds, concept wall, word wall, graphics organizers. ● Base formative/assessments on profciency targets and CSD Instructional guides. ● Frequently measure all 3 modes of communication (interpretive, interpersonal and presentational) in multiple ways. • Intentionally plan formal/informal OTR’s to check for understanding. • Utilize and provide rubrics to track student performance and for student self-assessments. ● Use appropriate previously reviewed leveled & authentic texts to plan activities & lessons ● Teachers use authentic texts (ie. video, text, article etc.) appropriate for the language levels in order to scaffold and clarify meaning.
● Understand that evaluations are based on reaching the profciency targets for their level. ● Understand that checks for understanding and formal/informal OTR’s are part of the learning process. ● Use a rubric before the project/assessment and then after to evaluate their own learning. ● Know and understand end-of-year target profciency level. ● Use culture-rich text to demonstrate their understanding. ● Use background knowledge and strategies to understand authentic materials and resources.
Assessments &Grading
Authentic Resources
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