HS ASL Guide
Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
WORLD LANGUAGE OVERVIEW Canyons School District World Language Instructional Guides
Canyons School District’s World Language Instructional Guides are based on the Utah World Language Core Standards for Profciency and the Profciency Guidelines as defned in the 2012 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) (https://www.actf.org). The standards provide a clear description of what can be done with language at various levels (novice, intermediate, advanced) in all language domains (speaking, writing, listening, and reading) and are integrated in the areas of communication and culture. SCOPE & SEQUENCE The World Language Instructional Guides are divided into units. These are the main units to be covered during one school year and can be supplemented with district approved materials. Brighton High School follows a separate academic calendar so the scope and sequence is divided in 3 trimesters. Here is an example for a 6-unit instructional guide scope and sequence. This can be found in the year at a glance for eachunit.
Sample Scope & Sequence
Semester 1
Semester 2
Trimester 1
Trimester 2
Trimester 3
Units 1-3
Units 4-6
Units 1-3 (a)
Units 1-3 (a) or 4-6 (b)
Unit 4-6(B)
WORLD LANGUAGE CLASSES AND PROFICIENCY LEVELS Generally, the world language classes offered in CSD are aligned with the level of language profciency a student acquires over time.
Grade Level
Language & Level
Profciency Level
Chinese AP, French 4/AP, German 4/AP, Spanish 4/AP
Intermediate Mid
ASL 3, Chinese 4, French 3, German 3, Spanish 3
Intermediate Low
ASL 2, Chinese 3, French 2, German 2, Spanish 2
Novice High
High School
ASL 1, Chinese 2, French 1, German 1, Spanish 1, Japanese 2
Chinese 1, Japanese 1
Novice Low
French 1A & 1B, French 1 & 2, Spanish 1A & 1B, Spanish 1 & 2
Middle School
Chinese 1A & 1B
Novice Low
Profciency Level Descriptors for each Mode of Communication Interpersonal Interpretive Presentational
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