Family & Consumer Sciences A
Unit 1
Interior Design
Key Language Use(s)
● 15-20 Class Periods
Narrate Argue Inform Explain
Key Standard(s) Strand2 : Students will be introduced to elements of design, housing, interior design, and apparel and how it impacts families. 2.1: ● Identify the elements (tools) of design: space, line, texture, shape/form, pattern, and color. ● Identify the principles (rules) of design: balance, emphasis, rhythm, harmony, and scale/proportion. ● Describe the effect of color on shape, size, feelings, and moods. ● Explore the science of color and color combinations to form color schemes. 2.2: Discuss how homes and businesses can be designed according to the activities, wants, and needs of the occupants. 2.3: Integrate consumerism/entrepreneurship and careers related to the interior design industry. ● Explore the cost associated with owning a home or business. 2.4: Discuss how interiors are affected by furniture arrangements and traffc patterns in the home and or business. ● Evaluate foor plans and the traffc patterns developed by furniture arrangements. ● Create a foor plan and arrange furniture for an apartment, home, and/or business implementing the elements and principles of design.
End of Unit Competency ● I can explain the basics of Interior Design. ● I can identify the needs and wants of a family. ● I can identify the principles and elements of design ● I can identify careers in Interior Design. Language Functions & Features: ■ Generalized nouns to introduce a topic and/or entity ■ Opening statements to identify the type of information
■ Verbs to defne career pathways or attributes (eg. have, be, belong to, consist of) ■ Expanded noun groups to defne key concepts, add details or classify information
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