Family & Consumer Sciences A

■ Reporting devices to acknowledge outside sources and integrate information into the report as in saying verbs and direct quotes ■ Technical word choices to defne and classify the entity ■ Adjectives and adverbs to answer questions about quantity, size, shape, manner ( descriptions)

Differentiation in Action Skill Building

2.1 Elements and Principles of Design: ● Have students create mood boards/collages showcasing different elements and principles ● Do observational drawing exercises to analyze line, shapes, and textures in objects ● Mix colors and create color wheels/charts to explore color theory ● Analyze artwork, fashion, and interior design examples to identify the elements/principles used 2.2 Home/Business Design: ● Case studies analyzing how different spaces are designed for intended use/occupants ● Interview or survey friends/family about their housing needs/wants ● Virtual/model home design projects applying concepts of user-centered design 2.3 Consumerism/Careers: ● Research and report on different career paths in interior design ● Calculate costs for a hypothetical home renovation or furnishing a space ● Explore marketing strategies companies use to infuence consumer behavior 2.4 Floor Plans and Furniture Arrangement: ● Create scale models or use design software to experiment with furniture layout ● Analyze foor plans for effcient traffc fow and furniture positioning ● Rearrange classroom furniture intentionally applying design principles ● Virtual/in-person audits evaluating the use of space in buildings Other Ideas: ● Guest speakers from interior design, architecture, etc. felds ● Site visits to design showrooms, furniture stores, and model homes ● Student design contests or critiques of each other's work

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