Exploring Technology
factors. This could involve creating infographics or multimedia presentations to illustrate their fndings.
3.3 Realize the Impact of Society on Technology
1. Historical Research Projects:
● Assign students to research historical examples of technological innovation driven by societal needs and values. They can create timelines or documentary videos showcasing these developments. ● Have students analyze technological devices and artifacts from different cultures to understand how social and cultural priorities shape technology. This could involve museum visits or virtual tours. ● Arrange for students to interview local inventors, engineers, or business leaders to learn how societal demands infuence technological development. They can then present their insights to the class. ● Create scenarios where students must develop a technology to meet a specifc societal need. They can work in groups to brainstorm, design, and pitch their solutions, considering social, cultural, and economic factors. ● Have students keep journals where they refect on how technological changes impact their daily lives and society at large. Encourage them to connect their personal experiences with broader societal trends.
2. Cultural Artifact Analysis:
3. Interviews with Innovators:
4. Scenario-Based Learning:
5. Technology Refection Journals:
4.2 Explore a Broad Range of Technologies
Hands-On Design Projects:
● Engage students in hands-on projects using the disciplined design process. For example, they can work on sustainable agriculture systems, energy-effcient buildings, or innovative medical devices.
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