Elementary Tier 2 Manual
Canyons School District
Phonics Lesson Library-95% Group
Reading Program for Phonics Skills
The 95% group’s mission is to Improve Reading Achievement. The number 95% is a number that is used in research stating that 95+ percent of students can be taught to read with the correct tools and instruction.
The Phonics Lesson Library’s (PLL) skill continuum gives educators strategic, actionable insight about the sequence of instruction and provide a framework for identifying progression of skill mastery by grade level with; ● Diagnostic assessments that align to the skills continuum and help educators identify student deficits to make better decisions about where to begin instruction; and ● Instructional materials that are evidence-based, practical, and provide the lessons and all components needed to deliver focused, targeted intervention by teachers.
The first step in using the 95% PLL is to assess
The Phonics Screener for Intervention or PSI is used for assessing placement in the program. Each school has a school license with a key code. Your achievement coach has that code and you can have access. If you leave the building, the code stays with the school building. Your coach most likely has assessment binder and or materials ready for assessing.
Steps in assessment:
● ●
Assess in 5 – 10 minutes with Form A
Place student in initial group
● Monitor progress in 1 – 2 minutes with alternate Form B or C
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