Elementary Tier 2 Manual
Group 2 Lesson Plan: Leveled Readers
Focus of Instruction:
1. Reading and re-reading for meaning. 2. Building Vocabulary: within context as needed to build background knowledge. 3. Discussion with evidence where appropriate.
*Instruction will take between 6 and 10 days. Grayed out cells are optional depending on time.
Lesson # Content
Instructional Plan
● Read the Essential Question at the top of the Table of Contents to set the purpose for the Genre Study. “Today we will be listening for ____.” ● Read: Read the entire text with students using echo or cloze reading from the Scaffolding Difficult Text ○ Discussion: Look for evidence and discuss the Essential Question. “How did the text answer or give examples of (essential question content)?”
● ELL or Leveled Reader ● Leveled Reader Lesson Card
Lesson 1 ELL or Leveled Reader
● Scaffolding
Difficult Text
● Summarize Text ○ Literature:
■ What happened at the beginning? ■ What happened in the middle? ■ What happened at the end? ■ Characters ■ Setting
○ Non-fiction
■ Main Idea ■ Details ■ Comparison
● Read the Essential Question at the top of the Table of Contents to set the purpose for the Genre Study. ● “Today we will be reading to/ for ____.” ● Refer to the selected re-reads identified by the Leveled Reader Lesson Card chapter(s) ● Reread sentences or passages to become fluent (rate, accuracy, expression) ○ Modeled Reading ○ Choral or Paired Reading ○ Phrase Cued Text ○ Reread text using the Tell, Ask, Start
● Leveled Reader ● Leveled Reader Lesson Card ● Discussion Routine ● Fluency Rubric ● Phrase Cued Text
Lesson(s) 2-5
Rereading text for fluency: ELLReader
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