Elem SCSW Model

Access Data Examples ● Availability and access to school programs (dual immersion, extended kindergarten) ● Awareness and access to resources to support the individual

● Participation in leadership opportunities ● Participation in extracurricular activities ● Parent participation in Parent Teacher Conferences

Attainment Data Attainment data measures completion rates. It takes access data one level further and asks who is completing a task (USBE School Counseling Model, 2016). Looking at attendance rates is an example of attainment data. As mentioned with access data, it is also important to look at equity gaps within attainment data. By disaggregating data by subgroups, schools can identify if there is a gap with attendance rates for a particular student population. Within those gaps, barriers can be addressed and interventions implemented as the school attempts to increase attendance and close the gaps.

Attainment Data Examples ● Attendance rates

● Course/grade completion rates ● Dropout rates ● Special education rates ● Suspension rates ● Office discipline referrals

Achievement Data Achievement data measures academic performance and proficiency. In addition to access and attainment data, achievement data asks who is obtaining academic proficiency levels or higher. An example of achievement data is students reading on grade level disaggregated by student populations. Again, the school should identify achievement gaps and work to close those gaps.

Achievement Data Examples ● Test scores from end-of-level testing ● Reading and math proficiency tests ● Standards-based grading proficiency levels


Amended July, 2019

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