Digital Literacy Instructional Guide
Utilize Internet communication tools to connect with others: ● Students participating in a classroom exchange through email to utilize email or instant messaging tools (pre-set-up by the teacher and approved by administration). ● Connect with a classroom as a whole through the use of Google Meet or Skype for virtual feld trips, and/or guest speakers (pre-set-up by the teacher and approved by administration.) Create or design Internet communication tools: ● Create a website with Google Sites that discusses a topic you’re passionate about that relates to Digital Literacy. Use the website to display your research and share why you feel the topic is important. ● Research beginning network design concepts and create a potential network map applying key terminology from the standards.
Resources/ Suggested Lesson(s) Video- The Internet: Wires Cables & Wif
Wired vs. WiFi Connections
Impact of the Internet- ThingLink
Benefts and Dangers of the Internet
Internet Reading: Benefts and Dangers
Google Applied Digital Skills- Email Writing
Skills : ● Apply key vocabulary about components of the internet to visually represent how the internet works by using the representation to compare types of internet connections. ● Demonstrate through a practice scenario how to navigate parts of a website or webpage and by applying proper search techniques. ● Explain the importance of media literacy and apply skills to practice scenarios or in a research scenario. ● Utilize email messaging to write emails to a fellow student or teacher about school-related topics with an attachment or inline-image. Email writing should include key elements such as an appropriate subject, greeting, body, and closing.
Scaffolded Learning : ● Utilize Internet communication tools to connect with others:
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