Digital Literacy Instructional Guide
● I can explain and navigate the Internet.
● I can identify and describe some examples of online communication tools.
● I can identify and defne the primary features of email. Language Functions & Features: ■ Generalized nouns to introduce a topic and/or entity ■ Opening statements to identify the type of information
■ Verbs to defne career pathways or attributes (eg. have, be, belong to, consist of) ■ Expanded noun groups to defne key concepts, add details, or classify information ■ Reporting devices to acknowledge outside sources and integrate information into the report as in saying verbs and direct quotes ■ Technical word choices to defne and classify the entity ■ Adjectives and adverbs to answer questions about quantity, size, shape, manner ( descriptions) Performance Skill: ● Students will demonstrate how to send emails for a variety of purposes and audiences. ● Students will describe how digital communication tools can be used to accomplish tasks for a specifc purpose. Differentiation in Action Skill Building Identifying Components of the Internet ● Interactive Lessons and Visuals: Network Diagrams and Internet Mapping Activities ● Hands-on Activities: Device connections, both wired and wireless, IP address discovery activities
● Exploration of Web Technologies: Browser Navigation Best Practice lesson, search engine practices to get information of value Connecting to and Navigating the Internet ● ISP and Bandwidth Comparisons: research ISPs, conduct bandwidth experiments ● Website Navigation Simulations: mock website navigation exercises, real-world website navigation activity to fnd a set piece of information Using Online Communication Tools ● Email simulations ● Scenario-based tasks for communication via email ● Video Call simulations ● Web Authoring Projects: website creation, blogging activity ● Social Networking and Online Presence: Mock Profle Creation Simulation
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