DLI 3rd grade guide


McGraw Hill Unit 1: Forces Around Us

Motion & Forces

Electric & Magnetic Forces Lesson 1: Electricity Lesson 2: Magnets

Lesson 1: Motion Lesson 2: Forces Can Change Motion

● Utilize the STEM career connections and other activities found in the Elaborate portion of the lesson.


MATERIALS NEEDED ● McGraw Hill Unit 1 Student Workbooks ● Phenomena Posters ● Vocabulary Cards ● Cardstock ● Cardboard - consider asking for donations of paper towel tube and toilet paper tubes ● Masking tape ● Books ● Marbles ● Meter stick ● Toy car ● Balloons ● Paper confetti ● Unfavored gelatin powder ● Water ● Shallow Bowl ● Wool Cloth

● Aluminum foil ● Crayon ● Pencil ● Metal spoon ● Paper clip ● penny ● Plastic Spoon ● Snaptricity Kits - purchased by ISD. Each school should have 12 to share between the grades. ● Magnet Kit - purchased by ISD. Each school should have 1 to share between the grades.



● No connection to Utah SEEd standards

● No connection to Utah SEEd standards

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