DLI 3rd grade guide
3rd Grade Scope & Sequence
Unit 4
Language, Reading and Writing
Jan 23- March 7 (30 days)
By the end of the unit students will be able to…
Key language use: INFORM EXPLAIN
Inform and/or explain a topic using one or more sources. Students will use text structures such as chronology, comparison, cause and effect, or pictures to contribute to the explanation and/or information.
ALL learners, specifcally multilingual students will construct Informative (expository) writing that ● Introduce and defne topic and/or entity or audience through ○ Factual statements without evaluative language (brown bears versus really cool bears) ● Add details to defne, describe, compare, and classify topic or entity through ○ Visuals (drawings, labeled diagrams, graphics) to support key ideas Source
● Student Tasks from the Reading Writing Companion (RWC) ● Respond to Reading (RWC) ● Team created Common Formative Assessments (CFA) ● Oral response using Speaking and Listening Standards (SL) ● Wonders Progress Monitoring Assessment (PMA) for text set 1, 2, and 3
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