DLI 1st grade guide
Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
previous questions. Upon completion of the assessment, the program links the student to lessons to complete online. Additional assessments are available as part of a suite for supporting standards and science of reading intervention.
When to administer iReady Diagnostic: BOY: Beginning of school through October 25, 2024; MOY: December 4, 2024 through January 10, 2025 EOY: May 1, 2025 through the end of school year.
Fidelity recommendations: Based on research from the last 8 years with 30% of America’s K-8 student enrollment, Curriculum Associates recommends that students complete 30-49 minutes per week with pass rates of 70% or better. How to use iReady Data: Data can be used to inform instruction during ELA skills-based instruction. Teachers are encouraged to provide further instruction using the downloadable lessons that correlate to the skills being reinforced on the computer. Contact for data meetings and professional learning: Daniel Cherry dcherry@cainc.com (385) 272-7270 or Joel Kongaika joelk@cainc.com 801-319-4832.
Approved Software Intervention Programs Not Part of the Early Reading Grant
Overview: Lexia English is an adaptive blended learning program that supports emergent bilingual students’ English language acquisition through academic conversations. It is multimodal (reading, speaking, listening and writing) in an adaptive format that is tailored to WIDA profciency levels. Avatars are refective of diverse backgrounds. Data is cumulative from year-to-year until mastery is achieved. Usage Recommendations for maximum growth with WIDA level 1 and2 : ● Grades K-2 10-15 min session/3x per week ● Grades 3-5 15-20 min session/3x per week ● At least 2 teacher-led Lexia lessons per week ● WIDA Level 3+ use Lexia Core5 or other approved software THIS PROGRAM IS PURCHASED FOR WIDA LEVEL 1 AND 2 STUDENTS WITH DISTRICT FUNDS
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