DLI 1st grade guide
Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
Core 5 Implementation Models
Students with 100% Performance Predictors do not have recommended usage. These students are considered “meeting usage” in the reports if they continue using Core5 in any amount. Students who have not used Core5 in the past four full weeks will not be given a recommended usage (NA), except in the first month of the school year. When a student resumes using Core5, the recommended usage will appear the following day. How to use Lexia Core 5 Data: Data can be used to inform instruction during ELA skills-based instruction. Teachers are encouraged to provide further instruction using the identified Lexia Lessons and other downloadable materials. For more information on the data available and how to use it, contact the Lexia Core 5 representatives, Nikki Osborn nosborn@lexialearning.com and Amber Robinson amber.robinson@lexialearning.com Recommendations for Kindergarten usage with Lexia Core 5: ● Full Day Kindergarten usage 60 min. per week during Skills-based Instruction (SBI)
Demonstration Video: ●
Interactive Tour: http://i-ready.com/tour
What is new? ● Science of Reading White Paper
Overview: i-Ready is a technology based diagnostic and instruction program for reading. The Diagnostic Assessment (K-12) places students into online instruction at the prerequisite level. The Diagnostic Assessment is adaptive in that it adjusts the di ffi culty level of the questions presented depending on student response to the
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