DLI 1st grade guide
Assessment Throughout the enVision 2020 curriculum there are many opportunities to check for understanding with items such as the Quick Check, Do You Understand? Convince Me, and Guided Practice. In addition, each topic ends with an optional Topic Assessment that can be given digitally or paper/pencil as well as a Performance Assessment or your team may choose to create an assessment that aligns with the standard(s) taught. The Elementary Math District-wide Standards-based assessment is given during a common assessment window three times a year for grades 1-5. Focused Review It is critical to provide an ongoing review of previously taught concepts and skills. Teacher-directed, interactive reviews daily are ideal to assess student learning and inform instruction. Daily Review provides a spiraled review within the enVision Math 2020 program to support spaced practice over time. The math block allocates 5-10 minutes for a daily, focused spiraled review. Targeted Technology Standards It is recommended that the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards is integrated into the CSD Math block. Resources are available at http://edtech.canyonsdistrict.org/elementary-curriculum-maps-iste-standards.html to assist teachers in integrating technology into your math instruction. The school’s Instructional Coach can provide additional s upport as requested. For additional PD: Midas Education Homework (Effect Size 0.10) The struggle to develop new concepts sh ould occur while the teacher is available to support and scaffold the learning and correct students’ errors in thinking. Work that is sent home for students to complete should consist of concepts that have already been taught in class, been practiced, and the student can already do independently. Math homework should be used to build automaticity of skills already acquired and not for development of new skills without instruction. Practicing concepts incorrectly at home can reinforce errors in thinking and cause frustration for students and families. Practicing the skill to automaticity with homework assignments is appropriate after students have acquired the skill.
Online Supports for Understanding Utah Core Math Standards For additional information about teaching math standards, please visit the following websites:
USBE Elementary Math Core Guides https://www.schools.utah.gov/curr/mathematics?mid=3888&tid=1 Early Math Learning and Teaching Trajectories https://www.learningtrajectories.org/math/learning-trajectories Achieve the Core Coherence Map https://achievethecore.org/page/1118/coherence-map
Canyons School District elementary math maps are created and published by Instructional Supports Department
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