College and Career Awareness
UNIT4 Unpacked
Plan for the Future
● 2-4Days
● Employability Skills Lessons ● Soft Skills Videos
STANDARDS Strand 4: Students will demonstrate stress management strategies, create a plan of study that leads to rigorous course-taking patterns, and understand educational and fnancial opportunities and risks for future academic and career goals. ● Standard 1: Students will identify a variety of stress management strategies. ● Standard 2: Students will strengthen an individual Plan for College and Career Readiness (PCCR) connected to academic and career interests. ● Standard 3: Students will explore various fnancial opportunities and risks associated with future academic and career goals. CONCEPTS (Nouns) SKILLS (Verbs) LANGUAGE SUPPORTS ● Stress Management Stratagies ● Plan for College and Career Readiness (PCCR) ● Financial Opportunities andRisks ● Stress Management Skills ● Planning and Goal Setting Skills ● Key Terms ● Visual Aides ● Simplifed Language ● Graphic Organizers ● Multimodal Resouces ● Guided Discussions ● Sentence Frames ● Real-World Scenarios LEARNING PROGRESSIONS ● Introduce students to basic stress management strategies such as deep breathing, time management, and relaxation techniques. Encourage students to develop personalized stress management plans that integrate multiple strategies tailored to their individual needs and preferences. ● Guide students in creating an initial Plan for College and Career Readiness (PCCR) that includes basic academic goals, career interests, and extracurricular activities. Facilitate discussions and activities that help students align their academic coursework, extracurricular involvement, and career goals within their PCCR. ● Introduce fundamental fnancial concepts such as budgeting, saving, and understanding basic fnancial risks and opportunities. Encourage students to apply fnancial literacy skills in real-world scenarios, such as creating a budget for college expenses or evaluating the return on investment for different educational paths. ● Financial Literacy Skills ● Critical Thinking and Decision-Making Skills ● Communication and Advocacy Skills
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