College and Career Awareness

● Provide word banks when students are completing writing or speaking tasks to support their responses. ● For extended writing or speaking activities, provide a student an annotated model highlighting the language and structure a student will need to reproduce their own. ● Allow opportunities for students to use a mix of their home language and English. ● In discussion, model and have students use the sentence frames and word banks to support their responses. ● Provide visual vocabulary cards to build content knowledge. ● Engage the student in more student-teacher conversation or group the student with other advanced learners who are ready for more challenging dialog. ● Students lead discussions or ask questions about the topics covered in a lesson. ● Have students provide extended responses/more details.



● Sewing Pencil Roll Project ● Flipbook Animation ● Audacity (Audio Activities)

● Sounzabound (Audio Activities) ● Stick Figure Animation- Stykz ● Music FX- AI music generator (Teacher use only) ● Canva Magic Studio- AI image generator (Teacher and Student use) ● PIXLR- AI image Generator (Teacher and Student use) VOCABULARY

● Audio Technology ● Visual Technology ● Broadcasting ● Digital Media ● Fashion Apparel ● Textiles ● Graphic Design ● Communication ● AI


Arts, Audio/Visual Technology and Communications Flyer

Pathway Charts Broadcasting and Digital Media Fashion and Textiles Graphic Design and Communication

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