College and Career Awareness

○ Undergraduate degree is a degree at the first level of postsecondary education (e.g. Associate, bachelor’s) ● Graduate degree is an advanced academic degree in a specialized field of study (e.g. Master’s, Doctorate) ● Identify industry education opportunities. ○ Apprenticeship is an industry-driving, high-quality career pathway where employers can develop and prepare their future workers and individuals can obtain paid work experience, classroom instruction, and a portable, nationally recognized credential. ○ Internship is a high-quality experience where students are mentored by an employer for approximately 40 hours on-site during on course to learn about a particular industry or occupation. ○ Job shadow is a structured career activity in which students follow an industry professional for a short period to learn about a particular occupation or industry. ● Identify the types of credentials earned at post-secondary and industry levels (e.g. certificate, license, Associate Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master's Degree, Doctorate Degree). ● Investigate postsecondary education and industry certification requirements for future career goals (e.g. apprenticeships, certifications, college degrees)

END OF UNIT COMPETENCY WITH LANGUAGE EXPECTATIONS ● I can identify and explain my interests, skills, and aptitudes or future academic and career goals. ● I can explain the process of preparing to apply for an entry-level job about future academic and career goals. ● I can identify the course outlined in a career pathway. ● I can explain the requirements of a CTE concentrator and a CTE pathway completer. ● I can identify and explain post-secondary education and training opportunities available through Utah Technical Colleges, Community Colleges, Universities, and Industries. Performance Objective(s) : ● Students will participate in at least two Work-Based Learning opportunities (guest speakers, job shadows, career fairs, field studies) and provide an artifact for each experience. SCAFFOLDING IN ACTION

● Provide a graphic organizer, and model how to identify what happened first, next, or last; claim evidence to express an opinion. ● Provide word banks when students are completing writing or speaking tasks to support their responses. ● For extended writing or speaking activities, provide a student an annotated model highlighting the language and structure a student will need to reproduce their own. ● Allow opportunities for students to use a mix of their home language and English. ● In discussion, model and have students use the sentence frames and word banks to support their responses. ● Provide visual vocabulary cards to build content knowledge. ● Engage the student in more student-teacher conversation or group the student with other advanced learners who are ready for more challenging dialog. ● Students lead discussions or ask questions about the topics covered in a lesson.

Skill Building


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