College and Career Awareness
Unit 4
Plan for the Future (Co-Taught with Counselor)
Suggested Pacing
Strands and Standards
Strand4 Standards 1,2,3
Performance Objective
● Insights and Reflections for Plan for College and Career Readiness (PCCR)
DWSBA and Testing Window: (DWSBAs are found in the CSD CTE DWSBA Canvas Course) Pre-Assessment: Within the frst two weeks of the semester. Post Assessment : Within the last two weeks of the semester. SALTA Extensions: ● Consider precision partnering or individualized work for PBL and simulation assignments. ● Allow a student to develop potential new projects for the cluster area lesson. ● Students develop lesson materials (graphic organizers, relevant articles, career brochures, etc.). ● Consider more involved projects: (for example) instead of the student making the pencil roll, allow the student to make a drawstring bag.
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