CTESS ebook
• Based on the performance of my students on District-wide Standards-based Assessments, I know that __________ % of my students are not on track to meet end-of- course/year learning goals. My data indicate that these students are struggling with the following essential skills… • In order to increase the likelihood that all students meet end-of-course/year learning goals, I will adjust my instruction in the following ways (detail the changes you will make in scaffolding or instruction)…
Once Part 3 - End-of-year Student Growth Reflection is submitted, notification will be sent to the Administrator for review.
For teachers in the summative evaluation year, Student Growth reflections impact their effectiveness rating on CTESS Standard 10. Additionally, administrators review a teacher’s submitted reflections on student growth and provide a rating for the Student G rowth element of CTESS. Administrators’ ratings are based on the Student Growth Rating rubric (see CTESS Element 2: Student Growth section of the manual).
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