CSD Coaching Playbook
Canyons School District’s curriculum maps are standards-based maps driven by the Utah Core Standards and implemented using materials adopted by the Canyons’ Board of Education. The maps and materials are coordinated vertically within feeder systems and horizontally within grade-levels. Student achievement is increased when both teachers and students know where they are going, why they are going there, and what is required of them to get there. Curriculum maps are tools for: ALIGNMENT: Provides support and coordination between concepts, skills, standards, curriculum, and assessments. • COMMUNICATION: Articulates expectations and learning goals for students. • PLANNING: Focuses instructional decisions and targets critical information for instructional tasks. • COLLABORATION: Promotes professionalism and fosters dialogue between colleagues about best practices pertaining to sequencing, unit emphasis, length, integration, and review strategies. Coaching with Curriculum Maps: Curriculum maps are important tools for teachers to utilize. They contain many valuable resources that are meant to support teachers and also help teachers stay on pace with one another so that they can support each other in planning and assessing, determine next steps for instruction, etc. It is important that as a coach you know not only where to access the curriculum maps, but that you know what tools and resources are in them so that you can guide teachers to district approved and vetted resources. This will reduce the need to recreate the wheel or use tools that aren’t aligned with adopted curriculum or resources. Curriculum Maps Include: ● CSD Framework ● CSD Acronym List ● CSD Best Practices/Supports ● Assessment calendars ● Scope & sequence ● Elementary Master Schedule ● Unpacked standards ● Literacy protocols ● Lesson Planning documents/supports ● Depth of Knowledge/Rigor Resources ● Homework policy/recommendations ● Special Education supports ● Grading Philosophy/report card supports ● Gifted Learner Philosophy/supports ● Multilingual Learner Philosophy/supports ● Keyboarding (Elementary) ● Report Card Guidance (Elementary)
Find all CSD Maps at Manuals.Canyonsdistrict.org
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