CSD Coaching Playbook
Coaches need to document not only what or how they work with colleagues, but also what their next steps are for provide ongoing, job-embedded professional development. This documentation will ensure that coaches are spending the right amount of time in the right places. Documentation also gives coaches an opportunity to reflect on progress, to set goals for themselves, and ultimately help to re-prioritize and structure how time is spent.
Coaching Spreadsheeet Log Coaching Google Form Log Coaching Calendar Log Coaching Reflection
Coaches need to document not only what or how they work with colleagues, but also what their next steps are for provide ongoing, job-embedded professional development. This documentation will ensure that coaches are spending the right amount of time in the right places. Documentation also gives coaches an opportunity to reflect on progress, to set goals for themselves, and ultimately help to re-prioritize and structure how time is spent.
CSD Coaching Monthly Reflection (CTESS Folder)
Coaching Monthly Calendar Coaches in CSD are expected to review the monthly coaches calendar, which will help you ensure that necessary instructional coaching cycles and other tasks are prioritized.
Coaches Monthly Task Calendar
Coaching Supply Cards ●
Follow instructions that come with your card.
● Reconcile card statement each month by printing out an account statement and attach receipts (taped to white paper) to ISD/Monique Scofield through District Mail. ● Activation or Access issues: Contact Monique or Zennie for assistance. CTESS for Coaches Coaches in CSD complete a specialized CTESS. Provisional coaches (first 3 years of coaching) will complete an evaluation each year. Other coaches will complete a full evaluation every 3 years, and a partial evaluation, which includes an action plan, mid year check-in and and end of year reflection.
CTESS for Coaches Manual
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