BHS ELA Instructional Guide

Academic Language

tone, mood, fgurative language, fgures of speech, connotative, denotative, genre, domain-specifc vocabulary, language variation, dialect Strategies to Support Teaching the Standard ● Semantic gradients - organizing words on a thermometer or paint chips to highlight the changes in the shades of meaning for related words ● Choose a short passage from the text you are currently reading that is a good example of tone or mood. Assign groups different tones or moods and ask them to revise the text in order to convey the tone or mood they are assigned. ● 8 Ways to Grow Students’ Vocabulary by Cult of Pedagogy Question Stems and Prompts for Assessment ● What does the word/phrase ____ mean in this selection? ● This word/phrase is an example of ____. ● How does the author’s use of ____ (fgurative language) impact the tone of the text? ● Identify and analyze which words or phrases specifcally impact the meaning or tone? ● How does the author’s use of formal or informal diction affect the tone of the text? ● How does this word choice impact the meaning of the passage? ● How does the author’s word choice aid in character development? How does this affect the meaning and tone of the text? ● What impact does fgure of speech have on the reader?

● How would this text be different if it were written 300 years earlier? ● How would this text be different if it were written in ___ culture? Additional Supports / Professional Resources


Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 235

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