BHS Health
Strand 4: Substance Abuse Prevention (SAP)
Health II
Textbook 11.2 (pg. 326)- Side effects of each drug Textbook 11.2 (pg. 335)- Impact of drugs on the brain
Workbook 9.1 (pg. 85)- Smoking and your Respiratory System Workbook 9.2 (pg. 87)- Can This Friendship Be Saved? Workbook 9.3 (pg. 89)- Create an Antismoking Ad Workbook 10.1 (pg. 93)- Alcohol and the Brain Workbook 10.4 (pg. 100)- Refusal Skills Workbook 10 (pg. 101)- Reading Practice Workbook 11.2 (pg. 105)- Can This Friendship Be Saved? Workbook 11.3 (pg. 106)- Create an Anti Drug Ad ● Unit 1: The Value of Good Health (connection) ● Botvin Concepts: ○ Healthy behavior ○ Prevention and its role in maintaining health ○ Evaluating risk ○ Protecting our health ● Unit 2: Decision-Making for Health (connection) ● Botvin concepts: ○ Feeling ambivalence ○ Facing a dilemma ○ P.R.O.P.S. ● Unit 3 Risk-Taking and Substance Abuse ● Botvin concepts: ○ Knowing what we value ○ Probability BOTVIN LESSON CONNECTION
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