BHS Physics Guide
Example: Standard Addressed:
Standard V: Students will understand that biological diversity is a result of evolutionary processes.
What should students know and be able to do when they have completed this lesson:
I am learning how to use evidence from text so that I can make a claim about a data set and support it with evidence.
Inquiry - Engaging Science Experience:
Students will review the data table about 4 Lions. Students will make a claim about which Lion is the most ft.
Reading & Viewing
Speaking & Listening
Students will read informational text from the textbook about natural selection and be able to defne evolution. Students will then determine if they want to change their claim about which Lion is most ft.
Students will participate in a four corner activity where they select which Lion is the most ft and use evidence from the text to support their claim in a group discussion with discussion frames (see google slide presentation for sentence frames)
Students will write a letter to a scientist in Africa where they must agree or disagree with their opinion on which lion is the most ft and cite textual evidence to support their claim.
Lesson Resources:
Google Slide Presentation Student Handout
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