BHS Physics Guide

Standard Addressed:

Defne the standard or learning progression that you will be working on for students

What should students know and be able to do when they have completed this lesson:

Provide clarity for students by describing what they should be able to do by the end of the lesson in student friendly terms Inquiry - Engaging Science Experience: Use Phenomena - Interact with Data - Hands-on Lab Activity - Inquiry Activity Describes the methods and procedures of engaging students in science. Be attentive to the intellectual tasks students will be doing. Reading & Viewing: Speaking & Listening: Writing:

Determine what text students will be reading, and list the scaffolds you will utilize to support them. (DYAD read, Close read, annotation strategies, visuals, engineered text, etc.)

Write Discussion frames for students to utilize that will help lead them to the most important concepts/information. Teach the 4 L’s of productive dialogue, and assign partners.

Identify the writing that will be utilized, possibly complete the summary in a Cornell note, write a CER (Claim, Evidence, Reason) response, etc. Provide students with sentence frames and word banks to support their writing.


Resources that the teacher/student needs to support the lesson

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