
Resources for Teaching: MS PE Resources Folder - CSD Docs

Prioritized Vocabulary

Strike Out Flyball Ball Ground ball Steal

Tag-up Forceout Foul ball

Tagout Innings

Assessment Questions

1. In what direction does the batter run the bases? (6.2.1) a. Clockwise b. Figure8 c. Counter-clockwise d. Direction where the ball has been hit 2. How many strikes equals an out? (6.1.14)

a. 4 b. 1 c. 5 d. 3 3. The main objectives of offense and defense in softball are: (fll in the blank) (6.2.6) a. Offense: batting b. Defense: felding 4. When does the offense and defense switch positions? (6.2.4) a. After 3 outs b. After 2 outs c. Whenever they feel like it d. When the coach says it is time 5. List 3 different ways the defense can get an out. (6.2.6, 6.1.2, and 6.1.1): ○ Answers: tag out, catch fyball, force out, strike out 6. Which base is always a force out? (6.2.6) a. 1st base b. 2ndbase c. 3rdbase d. Home plate 7. Label bases and show the direction the batter runs with arrows on diagram. (6.1.8) 8. List the 9 feld position names on the diagram below. (6.1.8)

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