Resources for Teaching: MS PE Resources Folder - CSD Docs
Prioritized Vocabulary
Serve Clear Drop
Drive Smash Doubles
Assessment Questions
1. When your opponent is playing near the net, which hit would be most effective? (6.2.5) a. Clear b. Smash c. Drop d. Drive 2. When the birdie is hanging in the air you could utilize 1 of 2 offensive strategies: (fll in the blanks) (6.2.4, 6.1.6, and 6.1.10) ○ A powerful, downward strike to open space: smash ○ An underhand fnesse strike: drop 3. In order to perform a legal serve, the server must (check all that apply): (6.4.4) ✓ Serve must travel diagonal ✓ Serve must be struck underhand ✓ Servers must rotate after point scored ✓ Serve must be struck below the waist The serve cannot go above 10 feet high Serve must be struck overhand 4. When playing doubles with a partner, it is important to utilize (check all that apply): (6.4.1, 6.4.2, 6.4.3, 6.4.4, 6.4.5) ✓ Communication ✓ Cooperation ✓ Understanding personal space
Losing your temper Bad sportsmanship Cheating
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