Supplemental Standards- Outdoor Recreation


The goal of physical education is to develop healthy, responsible students who have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to work together in groups, think critically, and participate in a variety of activities that lead to a lifelong healthy lifestyle. For graduation, students must complete courses in each of the following physical education courses: Participation Skills and Techniques, Fitness for Life, and Individual Lifetime Activities. Recreation courses may be used to fulfll the graduation requirement for Individual Lifetime Activities when the course meets the Core Standards. These supplemental standards outline how a recreation course fulflls the graduation requirement using the strands from the Utah Core Standards for Physical Education. Outdoor recreation or outdoor activity refers to recreation engaged in out of doors, most commonly in natural settings. Outdoor recreation includes activities that are designed for all levels of ability and should be facilitated to provide accommodations and adaptations as necessary. When the activity involves exceptional excitement, physical challenge, or risk, it is sometimes referred to as “adventure recreation” or “adventure training”, rather than an extreme sport. By participating in these activities, students learn not only lifelong leisure activities, but also about safety, risk, decision making, problem solving, leadership, and communication skills while participating in physically demanding activities.

Outdoor Recreation Strand1

● Rec.1.1 Recognize the importance of and perform correct body positioning as it appliés to activity (e.g., athletic stance, skiing, standup paddle boarding, biking, canoeing). ● Rec.1.2 Recognize and perform proper technique in order to achieve success (e.g., biking, skiing, climbing, paddling).


Outdoor Recreation Strand2


● Rec.2.1 Learn and defne outdoor leisure and recreation. ● Rec.2.2 Learn and defne lifetime activity philosophy as it pertains to outdoor recreation. ● Rec.2.3 Understand and perform route fnding skills (e.g., compass, GPS, maps).

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