Dance Strand5
● Dance.5.1 Develop an appreciation for dance as an art form. Identify and discuss the uniqueness of dance as a means of self-expression. ● Dance.5.2 Experience improvisational dance and identify personal movement preferences. ● Dance.5.3 Compare and contrast dance from a variety of genres, cultures, traditions, and time periods. Use the elements (e.g., body, space, time, energy) of dance and genre-specifc terminology to analyze how their differences and similarities affect the form’s intent and expression. ● Dance.5.4 Identify societal and cultural infuences on the development and expression of dance. Analyze how dance adapts, evolves, builds, and fuses with other approaches over time. ● Dance.5.5 Identify a question or problem that could be explored through dance, and conduct research about it using a variety of methods. Create a dance that investigates the question posed and discuss how the dance communicates new perspectives or realizations.
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