Fitness for Life PE (10)
Strand 5: PA a Tool for Wellness, Challenges, and Social Interaction
● FFL.5.1 Analyze the mental, social, and psychological health benefts of a self-selected physical activity. ● FFL.5.2 Choose an appropriate level of challenge to experience success and desire to participate in a self-selected physical activity. ● FFL.5.3 Select and participate in physical activities or dance that meets the need for self-expression and enjoyment. ● FFL.5.4 Identify the opportunity for social support in a self-selected physical activity or dance. ● FFL.5.5 Research sports and activities of other cultures. CONCEPTS & KEY TERMS (nouns) SKILLS (verbs) ● Mental, social, and psychological health benefts ● Self-selected physical activity participation ○ level of challenge (success/desire) ○ Self-expression ○ Enjoyment ○ Social support ● Cultural sports and activities ● Analyze health benefts ● Choose level of challenge ● Select and participate activities for self-expression and enjoyment ● Identify social support ● Research other cultures sports/activities 1. Introduce skill - teach relevant content, terms, and outcomes a. Key terms listed above b. Sport/ftness related terms c. Outcomes - see skills (verbs) listed above 2. Present skills, cues, and critical elements a. Locomotor, non-locomotor, manipulative b. Strategy c. Fitness application d. Sportsmanship and rules application 3. Model the skill a. Show skills applied effectively b. Highlight critical elements 4. Practice and Feedback a. Students practice skills in a variety of learning activities and progressions b. Teacher monitors and gives feedback
c. Students use rubrics for peer feedback and self analysis to refne skills d. Technology is used for feedback and self analysis (when applicable)
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