BHS Music Resource guide

Rhythm Beat Tempo Articulation/Bowing Dynamics Style

Rhythm Beat

others in a group. Playing rhythms and tempos correctly either alone or with others in a group. Respectful and productive rehearsal habits individually and with others in a group.

Tempo Posture Articulation/Bowing Dynamics Phrasing Style


Learning Intention: Success Criteria : I know I’ll have it when, ● I can successfully learn, rehearse, and perform selected musical pieces either by myself or with agroup.


● Receive musical selection from teacher, or choose one individually. ● Individually practice and learn material contained in musical selection applying important performance concepts. ● Productively rehearse musical selection with others in a group. ● Perform the musical selection. ● Listen and analyze performance and identify areas that need improvement. ● Develop a plan to improve in those areas. EXAMPLE LESSONS, ASSESSMENTS, and OTHER RESOURCES Article: American Band College, Middle School Band Rehearsal Article: Choosing Literature For Success at Contest: Every Concert Has a Purpose Journal: UMEA Journal Rubric: UHSAA Large Instrumental Ensemble Rubric Rubric: UHSAA Instrumental Solo Rubric

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