BHS ELA Instructional Guide

Advanced Learners Extensions Summative Research Assignment Rationale: Honors students should be prepared for success in AP Language and Composition, IB programs, Concurrent Enrollment, and/or College and Careers. By the end of 10th grade, students should be able to deeply and purposefully research and assess the validity of various sources, comprehend and make connections between literary and informational texts, articulate those connections in coherent writing, and effectively convey their ideas verbally, visually, digitally, and in writing. Summative Research Assignment: As a culminating assessment of the aforementioned core skills, CSD 10th Grade Honors students will: ● select and deeply research* an issue of signifcant relevance to the human condition (see suggested overarching questions on Advanced Learners assignment in the CSD Curriculum Map) ● create a piece of writing--argumentative or informative--that conveys their point of view on their chosen issue and refects the quality of their research ○ Possible options include but are not limited to a short essay (2-3 pages), novel and multiple source refective response, script, etc. ● provide evidence of quality research--written and visual sources--in the form of a Works Cited page ● orally present a research-based fnished product (a written speech, symposium, TED Talk, presentation, etc.) to their peers, including both verbal and digital elements *Introduce students to database research (EBSCO, Utah’s Online Library, etc.), and encourage students to integrate one or two relevant pieces of visual evidence. Work with your Teacher Librarian to teach students about research, but also how to evaluate a source as credible.

1. Formative Assignments which can build skills towards Summative Research Assignment



Speaking and Listening

● Dialectical Journals ● Works Cited ● Annotated Bibliographies ● Abstract ● Concept mapping ● Annotated Texts

● Argumentative Essays ● Informative Essays ● Rhetorical Analysis ● Literary Analysis ● Autobiographical/Memoi r ● Refections and Journals ● Narrative Pieces ● Satirical Cartoons ● Poetry (including two voice poems) ● Academic Writing ● Technical Writing ● Timed Writing pieces ● MLA Research Papers ● Compare/contrast Writing ● Précis ● Surveys

● Video refections ● Socratic Seminar preparation and refections ● Fishbowl preparation and refections ● Presentation materials ● Debate notes and/or video ● Podcasts ● Spoken word poems ● Skype questions and responses ● Research interviews

● Summary ● BookTalks ● Book Reviews

● Short flms ● BookTalks

Last Updated August 13, 2024

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