BHS ELA Instructional Guide

Unit 4



Key Language Uses



Key 9-10 Standards Writing: In PLCs, create a multigenre writing project based on writing standards taught in Units 1-3. Multi-genre writing includes 2 or more writing genres. Consider ways to include multi-modal writing using next generation genres and 21st-century writing tools. Reading: 10. Analyze and evaluate the e ff ectiveness of the structures an author uses in an exposition, argument, or narrative, including whether the structure makes points or events clear, e ff ective, convincing, or engaging. (RL & RI) 11. Analyze how an author’s geographic location, identity or background, culture, and time period a ff ect the perspective, point of view, purpose, and implicit/explicit messages of a text. (RL & RI) 12. Compare a text to another text in a di ff erent medium analyzing the portrayal of the subject, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using the di ff erent mediums, and explain how and why the content stays faithful to or departs from the text or script. (RL & RI) 14.a Analyze two or more works of fiction with similar themes or topics, drawing on patterns of events, characters types, and stylistic choices. (RL) Essential Questions ● How do narrative, argument, informative, and research writing intertwine in effective communication? ● What can real-world examples of writing teach us about effective communication? ● What 21st-century tools can we use to share writing? ● Where do we see writing in careers across disciplines? ● How does an author’s location, identity, background, culture, and time period impact their writing? ● What stylistic choices do writer’s make to convey their themes? End of Unit Writing Competency Example Sample Multi-Genre Prompt: Students read and analyze passages from an autobiography looking for specifc examples of multigenre writing within the text. Students then choose to narrate a life event that has connections to or is informed by a larger event in their lives or in the world around them. They compose a multigenre paper that includes the autobiographical narrative essay as well as an informational nonfction piece that provides context for and connections to the story from their life.

● Full Prompt and Unit Plan ● Rubric

Scaffolding in Action

● List of genres for Multigenre Projects

Skill Building

Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 79

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