BHS ELA Instructional Guide

3. Use appropriate language, grammar, organization, development, and delivery styles appropriate to purpose and audience for formal or informal contexts. a. Convey a clear perspective by concisely presenting and citing information, findings, and supporting evidence so that listeners can follow the line of reasoning. Essential Questions ● Why are analogies powerful ways to convey information? ● Why is it important to explore more than one source for information? ● How can we synthesize information from multiple viewpoints, especially when sources give different information? ● How do we evaluate the credibility of sources? ● How to graphics, images, illustrations, and media convey information? End of Unit Writing Competency Example Sample Informational Prompt: Review the following text/s on the Great Depression and write a multi-paragraph response that explains the effects the Great Depression had on the people who lived through it. Be sure to use evidence from the text/s to support and develop your response.

● Full Prompt and Text Sets ● Annotated Student Samples ● Informative Rubric

*for additional prompts, student samples, and rubrics - go to the Unpacked 9-10 Writing 2 standard.

Language Functions and Features: Multilingual Learners will construct language arts arguments that ● Introduce and develop precise claims and address counterclaims.

○ Declarative statements to frame topic, provide background information, state claim, and acknowledge counterclaim (In “Social Media as Community,” Keith Hampton argues that those who use social media feel less socially isolated even though they may have fewer close relationships than people 20 years ago.) ○ Use connectors to introduce alternative points of view (although, on the other hand, unlike, contrary to common belief) ● Support claims and refute counterclaims with valid reasoning and relevant and suffcient evidence. ○ Connectors to elaborate an idea/interpretation (so, this means, therefore, leading one to believe, a way to this about this)

Source: WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework, 2020 Edition

Scaffolding in Action

● Prewriting Strategies ● Chunking an Extended Essay ● 5 Paragraph Outline ● MLA Format (Nearpod) ● Evaluate Student Samples

Skill Building

● Write the World (competitions and writing groups for teens) ● Publish in different format: video, podcast, website, infographic

Extension (Make it Real)

Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 73

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