BHS ELA Instructional Guide

relationships among the complex ideas. ● Use precise language and content-specifc vocabulary to convey the complexity of the ideas. ● Use appropriate conventions and style for the audience, purpose, and task. Learning Progression Example 1. Dissect the prompt, identifying the audience, purpose, and format needed for the task. 2. Create an organization structure for the task that demonstrates how the information builds upon each other (compare/contrast, problem/solution, cause/effect, sequential, or descriptive). 3. Employ prewriting strategies to develop the topic. Select the relevant facts needed. 4. Write a thesis/topic statement. 5. Develop an introduction that identifes the audience and builds background knowledge needed about the topic. 6. Clarify relationships between complex ideas: a. Develop supporting points with elaboration upon the facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, examples, and figurative language. b. Use appropriate content-specifc vocabulary and precise and vivid language for the topic and text. c. Use varied syntax, link major sections and create cohesion in the text. d. Use graphics, charts, multimedia, and formatting to illustrate the ideas and show relationships between facts. 7. Write a concluding statement that connects back to the topic. 8. Revise for conventions that are appropriate for the style, audience, purpose, and task. Academic Language convey, analysis, distinction, relevant facts, extended defnition, concrete details, cohesion, precise, clarify Strategies to Support Teaching the Standard ● Students create an infographic or brochure on a topic incorporating the elements of informational text. ● Ask Moving Writers: Information Writing That’s NOT “The Research Paper” Question Stems and Prompts for Assessment ● Who is your audience and what do they know about your topic? ● How can you clearly introduce your topic? ● What information will you provide in the introduction? ● What organizational structure will best enable you to convey your information? ● What facts/details/examples/quotations help to develop your topic? ● When and how can you use fgurative language to express ideas? ● Do your transitions create cohesion among ideas and concepts? ● Does your concluding statement support the information presented? Does it articulate the signifcance of the topic? ● What multimedia can you use to help convey the ideas? ● How can formatting support your reader’s understanding of the topic?

Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 252

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